Republican math is looking bad again - - because the facts again are worse.
Trump last week said Coronavirus cases were at 15 (when they were much higher) and predicted they'd soon go "close to zero."
The latest count is over 700 - - that trend, like the death toll, is worsening - - and wait until those long-delayed test kits which Trump also had earlier mis-estimated and under-supplied begin to produce unfortunate, reportable results.
Trump's self-protecting manipulations are surprising, as we watched Trump and his loyalists lie against the obvious photographic evidence about the size of his inauguration crowd, and, more lately, to the size of many of his campaign rallies:
* Walker's boast about creating 250,000 new private sector jobs in four years.
Didn't happen.
* Or Robin Vos's claim that Wisconsin's economy would take off like a rocket were Walker to win the recall election - - a boast which Walker himself had also made:
Trump last week said Coronavirus cases were at 15 (when they were much higher) and predicted they'd soon go "close to zero."
The latest count is over 700 - - that trend, like the death toll, is worsening - - and wait until those long-delayed test kits which Trump also had earlier mis-estimated and under-supplied begin to produce unfortunate, reportable results.
Trump's self-protecting manipulations are surprising, as we watched Trump and his loyalists lie against the obvious photographic evidence about the size of his inauguration crowd, and, more lately, to the size of many of his campaign rallies:
For example, Trump claimed 50,000 people were outside a rally in Houston because they couldn’t get in, but the city’s police chief said the number was much lower: 3,000. In Cleveland, Trump claimed “thousands” of people were outside because the venue was packed. But Twitter users at the event posted evidence that Trump didn’t fill the venue and that only a handful of people were milling around in the parking lot.Regrettably, this is not just a Trump situation - - it's a Republican Party phenomenon and Wisconsin's GOP 'leaders' have provided many of their own fact-based challenges, including.
* Walker's boast about creating 250,000 new private sector jobs in four years.
Didn't happen.
* Or Robin Vos's claim that Wisconsin's economy would take off like a rocket were Walker to win the recall election - - a boast which Walker himself had also made:
WI Republicans repeating failed Walker/jobs' fairy tales
...Walker himself mouthed the self-serving talking point about how his plans would spectacularly bring new jobs to Wisconsin:
Gov. Walker says business hiring will skyrocket after he wins recall election