Repurposing Foxconn's flat-screen factory could help flatten virus curve

So Foxconn's main Mt. Pleasant building is up; here's an innovative plan for the structure and the company's 'innovation centers' around the state that are idle or under-utilized:

With the help of the Wisconsin National Guard, repurpose those properties into the kind of temporary emergency Covid-19 treatment centers that New York City is opening.

Javits Center expected to open as field hospital on Monday
The military knows how to do this. If our troops could quickly set up fast-response medical facilities in West Africa during the Ebola outbreak, they can do it here and take the pressure off established hospitals in Milwaukee, Chicago and elsewhere in the region which are going to be overrun with patients.

Two local businesses in SE Wisconsin have already shown the way. Let's think even bigger.

So prioritize the completion of utility hookups, bring in local food preparation personel, get some immediate benefit for the people from the millions in taxpayer dollars already invested in site acquisition, infrastructure and other services and show the world that it's Marshall Plan time in SE Wisconsin.

And marshal the resources and opportunities we might be overlooking.

And think of the goodwill it would engender for Foxconn in Wisconsin if the company made the offer and funded the transition, as it would put a positive spin on the title of my Foxconn archive:

A Foxconn Fever primer
Not to mention re-imaging the new I-94 lanes between Milwaukee and the Illinois state line from the death trap into a life line.
From NBC Nightly News, 7/21/19

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