National Interest: Ground Troops Overwhelmingly Prefer the A-10 Over the F-35 or Anything Else
When American troops lay their lives on the line in combat, they expect that their country will give them the best available support and protection. We can do no less than give them the close air support platform they know they need.
Many Air Force senior officers contend that close air support (CAS) can be done by any platform that can launch a guided weapon at a set of target coordinates.
Combat teaches otherwise.
Troops who've needed and received close support in combat know how dangerous it is to think of targets as nothing but GPS coordinates. They found out the hard way that their high priority threats are hard to detect, even harder to distinguish from friendlies, and prone to shift rapidly from moment to moment. That's why they feel so strongly that nothing is more important than a pilot dedicated to expertise in close support—and why they have such strong preferences for the A-10 over any other platform. The results of a survey of 500 combat-experienced Joint Tactical Air Controllers and Joint Fire Observers say it all:
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WNU Editor: Always listen to the soldiers on the ground who have experienced combat. If they favour the A-10 over the F-35, it is because of that experience.