While Wisconsin's GOP Congressional members showed pandemic-swamped America and home state constituents their Bad Badger Blend of toxic ideology and cold-hearted FU-itis, it's important that voters remember as the fall elections approach that the GOP-run Wisconsin State Senate directed by Scott Fitzgerald
continues to refuse to take up seven of eight homeless assistance measures which should have been approved long before the pandemic started hitting.
The news conveyed in this current story from Dane County in the year 2020 in Wisconsin is absolutely inexcusable.

continues to refuse to take up seven of eight homeless assistance measures which should have been approved long before the pandemic started hitting.
The news conveyed in this current story from Dane County in the year 2020 in Wisconsin is absolutely inexcusable.
City, county, providers scramble to protect the homeless amid COVID outbreakHere's a more context from blog posts on this outrage going back to December and January:
Just a reminder that the GOP-run legislative budget committeerefuses to release more than $3 million in homeless assistance, noted here.
Budget committee Co-Chair State Sen. Alberta Darling, (R-River Hills)