Some Researchers Hypothesize That A New Highly Contagious Strain Of The Coronavirus Is Spreading (Update)

Washington Post: Researchers hypothesize that a highly contagious strain of the coronavirus is spreading, but other experts remain skeptical

A research paper from scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, not yet peer-reviewed, reports that one strain of the novel coronavirus has emerged in Europe and become dominant around the planet, leading the researchers to believe the virus has mutated to become more contagious.

The bold hypothesis, however, was immediately met with skepticism by many infectious-disease experts, and there is no scientific consensus that any of the innumerable mutations in the virus so far have changed the general contagiousness or lethality of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

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WNU Editor: I pray that these reports of a new contagious and dangerous strain is premature.

More News On Reports That A New Highly Contagious Strain Of The Coronavirus Is Spreading

New Coronavirus Strain More Contagious, Scientists Say --
New coronavirus strain more contagious than original - study -- Jerusalem Post
The coronavirus appears to have mutated. What does that mean for contagiousness? -- NBC
A mutated coronavirus strain seems responsible for most of the world's COVID-19 infections. That doesn't mean it's more dangerous than the original. -- Business Insider
14 mutations found in SARS-CoV-2: One strain may be more easily spread -- Medical Press
Scientists warn of ominous coronavirus development -- Yahoo News

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