The WI Sup. Ct. hasn't issued its Covid-19 ruling. Here's a possible explanation.

Could it be that Tuesday's live-streamed 'deliberation' which became a revelatory fiasco

Justice Rebecca Bradley fretted that the 'Safer-at-Home' order some echoed the WWII mass kidnapping and forced, three-year imprisonment of scores of thousands of Japanese-American citizens, while Chief Justice Patience Roggensack said Green Bay's extensive virus clusters among meat-packing workers - and others - was not hitting whom she deemed "regular folks" in Brown County.
has convinced the Wisconsin Supreme Court majority to step back - and away - from an even worse outcome - more backlash if they suicidally snatch away from the GOP's little legislative dictators ownership of the pandemic's future human toll?

Gov. Evers' Covid-19 control extension ends in 17 days. The litigating legislators are free to continue their negotiations with Evers. The justices know that's supposed to be happening. 

If the Court continues its delay for several more days, the case goes away and the rightwing 5-2 majority can return to the rest of its old-normal/GOP-obesiant agenda, like affirming the deletion of 200,000 registered voters - many of whom no doubt helped boot the now-lame duck Justice Daniel (I'm Unrecused) Kelly.

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