WI Chief Justice Roggensack and her irregular Covid-19 victims

We've had a lot of talk about masks these days: Did you watch Tuesday as the Wisconsin Supreme Court dropped its mask of credibility and let We The People see on live-streaming video how some of its rightwing majority really thinks and behaves?

As the Court was 'deliberating' the fate of Gov. Evers' "Safer-at-Home" order, and while Associate Justice Rebecca Bradley quickly jumped out headline hunting with her stunningly ignorant connection of the order with "tyranny" and the militarized imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, it was Chief Justice Roggensack's injudicious dismissal of Brown's County's Covid-19 victims that exposed the Court majority's gratingly counterfeit credibility.
She said they were not "regular folk."
CHIEF JUSTICE ROGGENSACK: "These were due to the meat packing, though, that's where the Brown County got the flare. It wasn't just the regular folks in Brown County."
Oh. I guess those unworthy outsiders got what they deserved.

Immigrant Rights Group Speaks Out Against Conditions in Area Meat Packing Plants
For the record, we're talking about the second-highest county-wide positive caseload among the state's 72 counties - more than 1,500 human beings - including nursing home patients and others who presumably didn't get sick carving up animal carcasses, assembly-line style:
Brown County coronavirus: 11 dead, 1,500 infected, and meatpacking not only source of spread
You may remember that the far-right WI legislature put the state with taxpayer money through two straight session approvals, and then a statewide constitution-amending referendum to change the Chief Justice's annual selection from seniority to a vote by the Justices - all to install the conservative Roggensack in place of Shirley Abrahamson, the longest-serving but unacceptably too-liberal Justice.

Urban Milwaukee's Bruce Murphy called the campaign to diminish the now-retired Abrahamson a "trashing."

You can add to that trashing more than 1,500 sick and deceased Brown County souls.

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