Is The U.S. News Media Fanning Hysteria About Racism?


Aram Bakshian Jr., National Interest: The National Media Is Fanning Hysteria About Racism

After a white cop killed a black man, the mainstream media started doing what it does best: fanning the flames of hysteria.

Once upon a crime in America, in a state dominated by liberal politicians for most of the past seventy-five years, in a city in that state with a strong tradition of what these days is called “democratic socialism,” a man with a history of violent crime repeatedly tried to intimidate a shopkeeper into accepting a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. The man was behaving erratically, the merchant felt uneasy, possibly threatened. Eventually, the police were called.

In the confrontation that followed, a member of the Minneapolis police force—a white cop with numerous complaints of misconduct on file—ended up killing the black man with a criminal history. In an odd twist, it has since been reported that these two less-than-model citizens already knew each other, having both worked as part-time bouncers in a local nightspot. We may never know what, if any, ghastly personal dynamic was at work here. But we do know that Eric Chauvin, the white cop, ended up with George Floyd, the black man, pinned to the ground; Chauvin’s knee pressed hard against his neck. Within minutes, George Floyd was dead.

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WNU Editor: I live in Canada. On the cable news networks there here has been nothing but non-stop coverage making the claim that that there is nothing but systemic racism in CANADA! Gutfeld's remarks on the media is spot on.

Update: And people wonder why are there "food deserts" in some of these communities .... Chicago’s South Side Left With Few Food Options After Weekend Violence (CBS Chicago).

Update #2: Here is a must read analysis on two Americas. From Instapundit .... one crucial element of the George Floyd crisis is how it has exposed the stark chasm between those who view America through the bloody lens of collective guilt and those who cherish it for its emphasis on individual innocence and guilt. Joshua Mitchell, a Georgetown University politics professor lays it out in a manner so succinct that I pray it doesn’t get him fired .... George Floyd: Between Paganism and Christianity (Joshua Mitchell, Providence).

Update #3: This Washington Post writer wants to shut down all the cop shows .... WASHINGTON POST: Let’s cancel all the cop shows on TV.

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