Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 4, 2020

U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, deploy from Pope Army Airfield, North Carolina, Jan. 1, 2020. (U.S. Army/Capt. Robyn J. Haake)

Andy Wolf, War Is Boring: The Army Has Been Activated. This Is Nothing New

In light of the United States government’s mobilization of several active-duty Military Police units to support civil disturbance-related operations, the American public has responded with mixed reactions to the sudden use of non-National Guard or Reserve troops on US soil.

From “armchair lawyers” to individuals appearing to have an unhealthy fixation towards conspiracies surrounding President Donald J. Trump, the responses and theories are as varied as the stars in the sky.

Earlier this week, MPs and equipment from the XVIII Airborne Corps were transported from various Army installations to Joint Base Andrews, with the flights being tracked and reported via Aircraft Spots’ Twitter page.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 4, 2020

Esper orders hundreds of active-duty troops outside DC sent home day after reversal -- The Hill

Loaded with aircraft, carrier USS Gerald R. Ford begins ordnance operations -- UPI

The Navy's $13 billion supercarrier still doesn't have working weapons elevators and aircraft launching systems -- Task & Purpose

USS Ford still has major technical problems, says GAO report -- UPI

USS Theodore Roosevelt leaves Guam to resume deployment -- UPI

Why the U.S. Navy's Virginia Class Submarines Keep Getting Better -- National Interest

Pandemic Hits Navy’s New Nuke Submarine Program -- Breaking Defense

Navy's Highly Promising Long-Range Air Defense Busting Missile Has Taken Its First Flight -- Warzone/The Drive

Army Tests PSM Seeker To Hunt Ships & SAMs -- Breaking Defense

Boeing delivers first Super Hornet aircraft for US Navy -- Naval Technology

Navy Receives No Protests Over FFG(X) Frigate Award to Fincantieri; Detail Design Process Begins -- USNI News

Report to Congress on Navy Force Structure -- USNI News

Think-Tank Trouble Forces Navy Stakeholders To Rebuild Their DC-Influencing Toolkits -- Forbes

US Air Force begins search to replace General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper in 2030 -- Flight Global

U.S. Army Tests Scope to Take Down Drones -- Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics

New Presidential Chopper Would Still Scorch White House Lawn -- Bloomberg

Trump plans military flyover at Mount Rushmore on July 3 -- Politico

Lead Dems back bill to ban live nuclear tests -- Defense News

The Army Will Soon Have Female Grunts, Tankers in All Brigade Combat Teams --

Army one-star in Germany suspended pending investigation unrelated to crime or safety -- Army Times

Pentagon names 7 new military sites for 5G testing -- Defense Systems

Poland, US Kick Off Joint Drills Previously Halted by Pandemic - Photos -- Sputnik

After US, France, South Korea, Singapore & Australia, India now looking to ink military logistics pact with Japan -- Times of India

Drone retrieves human remains, pieces of Canadian navy helicopter that crashed off Greece -- CTV/Canadian Press

13th Signal Regiment: British Army creates new cyber unit to protect forces -- SKY News

British Army launches its first cyberwar regiment -- Defense News

Turkey’s orders for Russian military hardware estimated at $1 billion -- TASS

China-India dispute highlights both sides’ growing military presence at border -- SCMP

China’s New High-Security Compound In Pakistan May Indicate Naval Plans -- Forbes

China's Navy Is Testing Out Its its First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier -- National Interest

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