'Peaceful protests don't work!' Indigenous actor is overcome with emotion during racism discussion before delivering a powerful monologue about being black in Australia
Nothing works. Australian governments, State and Federal have tried everything to bring average black lives up to white standards but in almost all ways most blacks remain at the bottom of the heap. If the angry guy has something to suggest that has not been tried already, everyone would like to hear it
He himself would appear to have found a niche in white society so it is understadable that he is angry that not all Aborigines have done so. Rage is good theatre but it will do nothing useful
An Aboriginal actor delivered a powerful speech about racism in Australia during an emotion-charged episode of Q&A last night.
It comes three days after a 40-year-old Aboriginal man died after he collapsed at a medium security prison in Western Australia.
'It's still happening right now, to this day. Last Friday, a brother boy died in Western Australia. We're still talking about it now. It's a denial of what's happening right now,' Wyatt began.
'These institutions are killing us - it's just a continuation. The whole time, since 1770. It's the same thing. We're demanding justice. And those protests in America - they're not protests, they're demanding it.
'There are riots and people are talking about "order". Who cares about order if there's no justice? We want justice. I'm sick of talking about "order". It doesn't work. Being peaceful [and] peaceful protests - don't work.'
Wyatt later recalled how he was first searched by police at age 10 or 11 and said he hasn't trusted authority since.
'I was terrified. [But] that becomes fear, anger. When I see things around the world and I see my brother boys in my own country - how do you think I'm going to feel? I'm going to be scared from the get-go,' he said.
Wyatt was among tens of thousands of Australians who took to the streets for the Black Lives Matter mass protests on Saturday.
He admitted his lawyer's number was written on his arm in permanent marker when the protests were originally deemed illegal before the court ruling was overturned at the 11th hour.
'Who cares about the pandemic? The pandemic is Indigenous lives are dying. Black people are dying,' Wyatt said.
'It's been happening for thousands of years. That's the pandemic. That's why people are marching.
'That's why people are out there. That's why we're angry. And we're sick of it. We're tired of it. I'm tired of it. I don't know how else to put it.'
The program ended with as much emotion as it began as Wyatt delivered a powerful four-minute monologue from his play City of Gold about the struggles of being indigenous in Australia.
'Sometimes I want to be seen for my talent, not my race. I hate being part of some diversity angle,' he said.
'It's not your fault you have white skin, but you do benefit from it. You can be OK. I have to be exceptional. I mess up, I'm done. There's no path back for me. There's no road to redemption. Being black and successful comes at a cost.'
The monologue concluded with Wyatt calling for the end of deaths of Aboriginal inmates in custody.
'Black deaths in custody - that s**t needs to stop. Never trade your authenticity for approval. Be crazy. Take a risk. Offend your family. Call them out,' he said.
'Silence is violence. Complacency is complicit. I don't want to be quiet. I don't want to be humble. I don't want to sit down!'
Wyatt has since been inundated with overwhelming support from viewers.
Governments challenged to shake up 'Byzantine' vocational education system
A shake-up of the prices of vocational education courses, abolishing unnecessary regulators, expanding access to student loans, introducing government-funded vouchers for training and simplifying subsidies are among proposals floated by a Productivity Commission report.
In the interim report to be released on Friday, the commission calls on state and federal governments to fix the vocational education and training sector, which it says is "underperforming, excessively complicated and suffers from ad hoc policy approaches".
The findings support Prime Minister Scott Morrison's push for an overhaul of the national skills and workforce agreement, which governs federal, state and territory support for the training sector – viewed as a critical element of the country's economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
The report found the current "Byzantine" approach was overdue for replacement and the total $6.1 billion spent by governments could be used more effectively. It found providers needed to be more responsive to the needs of students and employers.
Commissioner Jonathan Coppel said some of the options being put forward in the report were "pretty radical" and intended to provoke discussion about improvements needed in the system.
"The way in which we fund access to training can be done in a way where you get a bigger bang for your buck," Mr Coppel said.
A key issue highlighted by the report was the disconnect between accessible higher education loans that have fuelled university enrolments and the "extremely restrictive" loans scheme for vocational education.
Mr Coppel acknowledged the widespread rorting that arose under the previous VET FEE-HELP loans scheme, which damaged the reputation of the sector, but said that was a "symptom of poor policy" and an expansion of loans should be accompanied by better regulation.
"We would envisage further safeguards and integrity measures if those options were to be the ones that get embraced," he said.
The commission's review also highlighted significant variations in government subsidies provided in different states and territories. It noted the subsidies for one popular course, the certificate 3 in individual support used in the aged care or disability care sectors, varied by up to $3700 across the country.
A total of 13 new fee short courses are now available online to assist anyone across the State who wants to upskill and prepare for the workforce post-pandemic.
It suggested a number of ways to phase out the complexity, including a common and more transparent method for devising costs and simplifying rates across different courses.
One provocative option put forward by the commission was a shift away from government subsidies towards the introduction of vouchers for students, in a bid to support their choice and make providers more responsive.
There are about 4.1 million Australians in the vocational education system, with about 30 per cent of training hours offered by TAFEs and 60 per cent by private providers.
'Sick to my stomach': Indigenous activist Jacinta Price slams 'virtue-signalling' Black Lives Matter protesters and says they 'aren't interested' in Aboriginal deaths - unless they are killed by a white man
Aboriginal activist Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has slammed Black Lives Matter protesters as ignorant 'narcissists' who don't understand indigenous problems.
'Just watching the footage of protesters and the conversations around white privilege makes me sick to my stomach,' she told Sky News.
'These are narcissists ... they don't have to do any hard work just appear as though they care.'
Ms Price, a Warlpiri woman and Alice Springs Town Councillor, said more Aboriginal people die outside of police custody than within it, with the majority of Aboriginal people killed and maimed by other Aboriginal people.
But because the violence is out of sight, out of mind, protesters don't care, she said. 'You don't care because the perpetrators are also black, and that's the big problem,' she said.
'People only care if there's seen to be a white perpetrator.'
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, more than one in five or 22.3 per cent of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 15 had experienced physical violence or threats in the previous 12 months.
Half of all of those who had experienced physical violence over the 12-month period said that their most recent attacker was a family member.
'This is the reality that goes on in the remote communities that these protesters care zero for,' Ms Price said.
'They do not care one bit. They stand there virtue-signalling and acting as though they're so terribly sorry for the racism that Aboriginal people are faced with.
'It's not racism that is sexually abusing our kids and it is not racism that is killing our people - it's the actions of our own people.'
Ms Price's own nephew died on Friday - allegedly stabbed to death during a wild fight in Alice Springs.
NT Police said more than a dozen people had been 'fighting with weapons' at a home in the Central Australian town when the 36-year-old man was stabbed. He bled to death at the scene despite the efforts of ambulance paramedics and police officers to stem the bleeding and to save him with CPR.
There were more than 12 people involved in the mayhem but only two men were arrested, ABC News reported.
Ms Price said Aboriginal people are the most incarcerated people in the world - because of violent crimes and that if people were serious about protecting Aboriginal lives then they would focus on lowering the rate of family violence in indigenous communities.
'It's a horrible cycle that continues and the ignorance is gobsmacking,' she said.
'If you wanted to reduce the rates of incarceration then you would begin with being honest about the fact that almost 70 percent of Aboriginal people - men and women incarcerated - are incarcerated for acts of violence against their loved ones,' she said.
Ms Price said for women it was largely because they were fed up with repeated beatings and had retaliated.
'On the other side of the coin we've got nasty individuals who think it's their right to hurt and maim and kill their own loved ones,' she said.
Top wages of Australia’s highest-earning public offices revealed
A new list ranks the highest-earning public servants in the country, with the job on top earning close to $1 million — and way more than the PM.
You’ve probably never heard of them, but the people leading Australia’s top public offices are earning close to $1 million a year, new figures reveal.
A list of publicly available figures from the Australian Government Remuneration Tribunal ranks the top 10 highest-paid full-time public office jobs in the country, with the highest wage exceeding $880,000.
The list does not include parliamentary secretary positions or chief executives of government-owned businesses, 9 News reports.
The top total remuneration — which includes superannuation and benefits — goes to Wayne Byres, who earns $886,750 as the chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
The second-highest remuneration of $775,910 is earned by three individuals: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims, Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman, James Shipton, and Solicitor-General, Dr Stephen Donaghue QC.
In fourth place on the list is Services Australia chief executive Rebecca Skinner with $748,210.
Three positions are in fifth place, receiving remuneration of $720,480. They are Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Reece Kershaw, Commissioner of the Australian Public Service, Peter Woolcott and Director-General of the Office of National Intelligence, Nick Warner.
The APRA deputy chair receives $709,390, and three positions round out of the list with $665,070: the APRA member position, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation director-general of security, and the Australians Signals Directorate director-general.
The remunerations were compiled as of May 2020 and took effect from July 1, 2019, according to 9 News.
And they top the wage of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose base salary as a member of parliament of $211,250. When added to his 160 per cent loading as prime minister, his salary is just shy of $550,000.
In April, the Federal Government announced a six-month freeze on Commonwealth parliamentary, ministerial and public sector wage increases, in order to “share the economic burden” of COVID-19.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here