This Is The Naval Fleet That China Would Use In An Invasion Of Taiwan

A Chinese landing on Taiwan would involve many different assets, mostly built up in the last twenty years. The Type-075 Assault Carriers have yet to enter service but will form the backbone of the amphibious warfare fleet in the 2020s. H I Sutton

Forbes: If China Invades Taiwan, This Is What The Fleet Could Look Like

Scenarios involving China taking military action against Taiwan have been a hot topic for decades. The most dramatic one would be a full-blown invasion involving amphibious landings. Back in the 1990s it was derided as the ‘million man swim’ because it was not believed that China had the naval means to pull it off. Some may still make that joke, but it may no longer reflect reality.

Reuters recently reported that the Chief of China’s Joint Staff, General Li Zoucheng, stated that the country could attack Taiwan to stop it becoming independent. The island has been de facto an independent country since the Communists took control of the mainland in 1948, but Beijing views it as a wayward province. The threat of force has always been there, but this latest comment is seen as an escalation of rhetoric.

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WNU Editor: This explains why Taiwan wants anti-ship missiles ASAP .... Taiwan Wants Anti-Ship Harpoon Missiles To Counter Chinese Naval Power (May 31, 2020).

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