Director of the Democracy Institute Patrick Basham suggested that the Biden campaign may have 'reached its high water mark
Express: Donald Trump in US election polls surge as voters trust him to revive COVID-19 hit economy
A BELIEF that Donald Trump can revive the US economy after the coronavirus crisis could see him returned to the White House, a shock new poll has revealed.
The third in a series of monthly Democracy Institute/ Sunday Express polls has given President Trump a surprise lead over his Democrat rival of 48 percent to 46 percent, his clearest lead yet.
Crucially, President Trump has a lead of 48 percent to 43 percent in the swing states Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin which would put him back in the White House with an electoral college tally of 309 to Biden’s 229.
Specifically, in Florida Trump has a 47 to 45 point lead, Minnesota (where the black lives matters protests began) a 46/45 lead, and New Hampshire a 46/43 lead.
The polling suggests Mr Trump is emerging as the race leader because of a belief he is best in handling the economy.
With a third of voters putting the economy as the top election issue and 66 percent thinking that the economy is bouncing back after coronavirus, voters believe that Trump is better for the economy by 57 percent to 43 percent.
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WNU Editor: What I have always liked about the Democracy Institute/Express polls are the sampling populations that they use to make their polls .... i.e. likely voters and a Republican/Democrat sampling number based on past voting patterns. The election is still three montha away, but this poll should be a wake-up call for Democrats to not be cocky that Biden will be a shoo-in when Americans go to vote in November.