Washington — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden indicated Sunday he will not be releasing a list of possible Supreme Court nominees despite growing pressure to do so. The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday has left a vacancy on the high court and added another twist to the presidential race.
In remarks on the future of the Supreme Court from the National Constitution Center from Philadelphia, Biden singled out President Trump as the only presidential candidate to release a slate of possible nominees to the high court and suggested his doing so both in 2016 and 2020 set a dangerous precedent.
"First, putting a judge's name on a list like that could influence that person's decision making as a judge, and that would be wrong, or at least create the perception that it would have influence," Biden said in explaining why he is not in favor of releasing a list of contenders. "Second, anyone put on a list like that under these circumstances would be subject to unrelenting political attacks, because any nominee I would select would not get a hearing until 2021 at the earliest. She would endure those attacks for months on end without being able to defend herself."
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Update: Biden Refuses To Release List Of Supreme Court Contenders (Zero Hedge)
WNU Editor: The Biden campaign believes that avoiding the spotlight and campaigning as little as possible while relying on TV ads is the formula to win the US Presidency in 2020. Refusing to release their SCOTUS nominee list (if they have a list) is just one more example of this strategy. Will it work? We will know in six weeks if that is the case.