Forbes: ‘Sci-Fi Awesome’—A U.S. Army Howitzer Just Shot Down A Cruise Missile
A U.S. Army self-propelled howitzer firing a Mach-5 shell just shot down a cruise missile for the first time.
It’s a big deal. Imagine, in some future war, Army howitzers ringing a strategic air base in the western Pacific, swatting down incoming missiles so the base’s planes can take off and land unmolested.
The shoot-down took place at the White Sands missile range in New Mexico on Wednesday. An M-109A6 Paladin tracked howitzer fired a 155-millimeter-diameter hypervelocity shell at an incoming BQM-167 target drone, blasting it to pieces.
“Tanks shooting down cruise missiles is awesome—video-game, sci-fi awesome,” said Will Roper, the U.S. Air Force’s top scientist.
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WNU Editor: Wow!. That is impressive.