Biden Campaign Has Not Removed Negative Trump Ads As Promised


The Democrat's campaign pledged to take down negative ads after Trump contracted coronavirus

EXCLUSIVE: President Trump's campaign blasted Joe Biden for continuing to air negative ads while the president is fighting COVID-19 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland. 

Biden's campaign pledged Friday to take down all negative ads against Trump as the president battled the coronavirus, but TV spots criticizing the president were still running Saturday as the president was hospitalized. 

“Despite pledging to stop his negative advertising, nearly 100 negative Biden ads slandering the president and lying about his record have aired today while the president is at Walter Reed," Andrew Clark, Trump 2020 Campaign rapid response director, told Fox News on Saturday. "Meanwhile, Joe Biden has continued to attack the president in his speeches." 

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WNU Editor: There is never a time-out in a Presidential election campaign as Presidential candidate John McCain painfully learned in 2008 when he suspended his campaign because of the financial crisis.  
Update: Just watched a whole slew of Biden negative TV-ads on the New York CBS affiliate station that is on my cable TV. So much for what all the pundits and Democrats were saying on Friday that the Biden campaign was taking the "high-road".

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