Breaking news: AWOL WI GOP 'leader' surfaces to issue a few COVID-related words

Though he last gaveled the State Senate in and out of session months ago - and in just a few seconds - GOP Majority Leader did surface Friday to issue a few words on a subject he's avoided addressing - the raging COVID-19 epidemic in Wisconsin.

Wisc Sen. Scott Fitzgerald.jpg

But to be clear, Fitzgerald did not surface to display empathetic outreach to the families of nearly 1,600 Wisconsinites who have died from COVID-19.

Or to announce Republicans' long-delayed plan to slow spiking numbers of freshly-sickened-or hospitalized COVID-19 patients among the more than 170,000 state residents with names and faces that make up the data base which continues to show Wisconsin near the top of states with spiraling infection rates. 

Nor did he step into the public realm to pull back his steadfast opposition to Governor Evers' COVID-19 prevention orders, or to apologize for the court actions Wisconsin Republicans and their allies have launched to block COVID-restraining policies, masking orders or capacity limits in bars or at events. 

And he did not distance himself from the jaw-dropping remarks by fellow GOP State Senator Van Wanggaard, (Racine), who had said on the record nine days ago while casting doubt on COVID case data that he would not support a statewide masking requirement even if Wisconsin's caseload skyrocketed by a factor of ten.

No, Fitzgerald took a break from his fully-paid-by-taxpayers-six-month-plus-vacation, and ongoing bid for a promotion to the US Congress (at triple the taxpayer-paid salary) to blast Gov. Evers for accurately exposing the Wisconsin GOP's do-nothing-but enable-approach to the rampaging disease.

An approach in which Fitzgerald has played a leading role along with GOP co-obstructionist Robin Vos, the Assembly Speaker.

Fitzgerald was especially irked because Evers laid out the facts in a television ad aimed directly at COVID-culpable Republican legislators and did it using a cool karmic paradox.

And Evers used used money he was able to raise and spend because citizens who were upset at the Governor had filed a hopeless and hapless recall petition against Evers that allowed him - as it had also earlier allowed Scott Walker in 2012 - to raise unlimited funds in response.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin is getting ready in the midst of the GOP-enabled COVID suffering and chaos to welcome President Trump to Janesville.

Don't expect Trump to wear a mask.

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