Is The F-35 Program Making America Safer?

Mises Institute: The Trillion-Dollar F-35 Fighter Program Does Not Make Americans Safer

Overspending on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program does not make America any safer. The president’s military spending increase is based on the false premise that more spending equals more security. More spending may even make America less safe by spending us into bankruptcy. 

The F-35 program is expected to cost well over $1 trillion when it is fully operational and deployed. That massive investment will serve to enrich government contractors while giving interventionist politicians an offensive weapon of war. This program was created as a “too big to fail” scheme where once the government starts the process of making these fighter jets, they will have spent so much money that they can’t back away. The F-35 program is a bad deal for the taxpayer while promoting a policy that will make these same taxpayers less safe. 

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WNU Editor: The Pentagon is not going to give up on its F-35 program. But I can easily see them cutting back on purchases and flying them less to keep its maintenance costs down. And if the Democrats win the Presidency and sweep Congress and the Senate, there will definitely be a cut-back in the program.

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