Mandatory shuttles to Trump's Janesville event put bus drivers at risk

Not content with packing devotees tightly together despite COVID-19 

social distancing guidelines, The SuperSpreader Express event in Janesville Saturday is requiring the thousands of potential attendees to park 2.5 miles away and take shuttle buses to get their glimpse of the Red Hat before he devotes full time to his duck-the-subpeonas-retirement-plan.

The Rock County Sheriff’s Department said Thursday that attendees of Trump’s airport rally will have to park at Blackhawk Technical College about 2.5 miles away and take shuttle buses to the event.

Here's how the local media framed the event

President Donald Trump’s appearance Saturday in Janesville will feature a public rally in a county that has recently set local records for COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and positive test rate.

Pity the poor bus drivers as COVID-19 keeps setting new case records and spreading like wildfire here.

The drivers will have to transport people who are likely to think mask wearing is fake science and social distancing is for scaredy-cats because that's what Big Daddy's been telling them.

Side note - you can bet that any WI GOP bigwigs who show up will definitely have preferred parking passes. 

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