St. Sup. Ct. killed WI's anti-COVID strategy. Then cases skyrocketed.

While I've frequently called out the state's GOP Legislature for literally hiding from COVID accountability for more than six months, it's important to remember that it was the State Supreme Court which took the ideological bait, gave GOP litigators their 'win and killed Gov. Evers 'safer-at-home' virus-controlling order.

Which launched Wisconsin into the escalating pandemic without a coordinated 'we're-all-in-this-together' statewide prevention plan.

Right-wing WI Supreme Court Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote the 4-3 majority opinion shelving the state's Safer-at-Home order - while the Court safely met online.

Sort of like having the local government close up its only fire station to satisfy a faction of angry firefighters knowing that the worst blaze in state history was moving towards town driven by the strongest winds recorded in a century. 

And to make matters worse, the angry faction's officers told all the firefighters they could take a six-month vacation while the fire burned more buildings and killed more citizens.

You can plot the virus's rampage on the state health department's COVID-19 website since a 4-3 rightwing majority of Justices set the virus free on May 13. There were 291 news cases reported that day which brought Wisconsin's total to 10,902 since March 15 - a period of about two months.

Pretty big numbers, but wait, there's more.

The most-recently reported state COVID-19 data for Monday, October 19 - just about about five months after the Court's ruling - show new daily cases had spiraled by a factor of 13 from 291 on May 13 to Monday's 3,777.

And the state's cumulative COVID-19 case total on Monday of 173,891 has ballooned by a factor of 16 since the 10,902 reported by March 13. 

As the Chief Justice might say, that's a lot of regular folks.

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