Which Leaders Will Lose From A Biden Victory?

Joe Biden addresses supporters at his South Carolina primary night rally in Columbia, South Carolina, February 29, 2020. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart 

If Donald Trump is forced from the White House in the November election, he won’t be the only loser. 

Though many governments would likely celebrate the end of the most unconventional and at times chaotic U.S. presidency of modern times, others will have reason to miss it. For the leaders of Turkey, North Korea and Israel, the ledger has been almost entirely positive. Trump’s ejection would confront them with immediate challenges. 

The scorecard for countries like China is more nuanced. Even so, what the mostly authoritarian winners from Trump’s four years in office have in common is a fear his departure would spell the return of a more conventional U.S. foreign policy. 

That could see the U.S. mending alliances and promoting the universality of values such as democracy and human rights, or the fight against climate change. “This president embraces all the thugs in the world,” Trump’s opponent Joe Biden said at a recent town hall event, as he sought to highlight the political divide. 

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WNU Editor: I disagree with this list and their reasons why. A Biden Presidency will end the dialogue that exists between the US and North Korea. Dialogue that is essential for any long term peaceful resolution on the Korean peninsula. No one benefits from that. We all lose. I disagree that Xi Jinping will be a loser if Trump is gone. On the contrary. Joe Biden has already signaled that he will eliminate almost all of the obstacles to Chinese trade with the US under Trump has imposed. How can President Xi be a loser if that happens? Mohammed bin Salman's relationship with President Trump has always been a rocky one. They certainly do not see eye-to-eye on oil production and its price. A Joe Biden Presidency will impose restrictions on American fracking and other energy projects. That will be a big win for the Saudi Crown Prince. It will also be a huge win for Putin. The Brazilian President will not be impacted by a President Trump loss, nor will it impact Turkish President Erdogan. Ditto for the Polish and Hungarian leaders. All of them are running policies independently from the US. But I do agree that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be a big loser. A Biden Presidency will end President Trump's efforts to find common ground between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and instead focus on finding common ground with Iran.

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