GOP Poll Watcher Denied Entry In Philadelphia

Zero Hedge: Watch: GOP Poll Watcher Denied Entry In Philadelphia Days After State AG Says 'Trump Will Lose' 

A Republican poll watcher in the Philadelphia, PA was denied entry to a polling location despite having a valid poll watcher's certificate. In a viral video posted by attorney Will Chamberlain, which gained over 700,000 views in less than two hours, poll watcher Gary Feldman can be seen attempting to enter a polling station, only to be turned away by workers who claim his certificate 'isn't valid for this location.' 

"Call the police!" says one poll worker, adding. "If you legal, call the cops." 

"I have a city-wide watcher's certificate," said Feldman, to which another poll worker replied "That's not for this location." 

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WNU Editor: This is disturbing. Poll watchers from both parties must be present to prevent incidents like the one below:

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