"Who lost Wisconsin?" Trump could hand the blame to you know who.

If Trump and his team are shouting "Who lost Wisconsin" while taking rage laps around the West Wing, they might at least second-guess the decision to install defeated ex-Governor and Foxconn co-bumbler Scott Walker as the Wisconsin Trump 2020 co-chair. 

Do you really turn over the President's statewide re-election bid to a Republican incumbent in that state 
2018 photo
who'd just just lost his own re-election bid by a few thousand votes out of millions?

Do you really pin your hopes on strategery overseen by the same politician who'd said "the eagle has landed" when Foxconn made its crash-landing in Mt. Pleasant.

Or who blew through a million dollars in a 71-day backflip out of the GOP's 2016 presidential race before a single vote for a single caucus delegate had been cast in Iowa?

The answer to "Who lost Wisconsin?," or any election, is ultimately "the losing candidate," but since Trump is famous for never taking responsibility for anything, I wonder why it's taking him so long to throw shade at the convenient scapegoat who'd been right with him 
Preparing the dead careers' crypt

when they were preparing the eagle's nest in Mt. Pleasant.

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