The Space Force, the nation’s first new military branch since the Air Force was established in 1947, became one of Trump’s priorities early in his administration. Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kayla White
Nations around the world are shoring up their defensive and offensive capabilities in space — for today's wars and tomorrow's.
Why it matters: Using space as a warfighting domain opens up new avenues for technologically advanced nations to dominate their enemies. But it can also make those countries more vulnerable to attack in novel ways.
* "Space has already been weaponized by just about any definition," Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic & International Studies told me, citing work his organization has done to quantify the problem. "The question is, 'How are we going to respond?'"
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WNU Editor: I expect the Biden administration will continue President Trump's initiatives in space .... Biden likely to stay course on Space Force and defense investments (Space News).