Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 14, 2021

The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, front, and the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea during a Strait of Hormuz transit [File: Elliot Schaudt/AFP] 

The last few weeks have seen a sharp build-up of American combat power in the Gulf. 

Already home to the formidable 5th Fleet – based in Bahrain – the US Navy recently sent a powerful Ohio-class submarine, the USS Georgia, escorted by two guided-missile cruisers – the USS Port Royal and USS Philippine Sea – through the Strait of Hormuz into the Gulf.  

The USS Georgia is nuclear-powered, specialises in attacking targets deep inland and has an inventory of 154 Tomahawk Cruise missiles, each delivering 450 kilogrammes (992 pounds) of conventional warhead up to 2,700 kilometres (1,677 miles) away. 

Designed to fly low under radar cover, they can destroy strategic targets with little to no warning. Read more .... 

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 14, 2021 

Afghan interview exposes the real Javad Zarif -- Kourosh Ziabari, Asia Times 

Normalization and the turmoil in Yemen - opinion -- Neville Teller, Jerusalem Post 

Mongolia weathers the storms of 2020 -- Julian Dierkes, East Asia Forum 

How strong is democracy in Europe? -- Thomas Sparrow, DW 

What Has Not Changed in U.S.-China Relations -- John Cookson, National Interest 

Biden Can't Fall for DPRK's Latest Trap -- David Maxwell & Matthew Ha, 1945 

Fact check: As Wikipedia turns 20, how credible is it? -- Uta Steinwehr and Mikhail Bushuev, DW

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