Some Democrats Now Want To Suspend Trump's Impeachment Trial

Daily Mail: Democrat Senator says Trump's impeachment trial should be SUSPENDED so they can depose Kevin McCarthy over furious riot phone call and Tommy Tuberville over claims the president knew Pence was in danger 

 * Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, proposed suspending Trump's impeachment trial 
 * He called for depositions of Senator Tommy Tuberville and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy * Both reportedly had conversations with Trump during on January 6 about conditions in the Capitol riot 
 * CNN reported Friday that Trump and McCarthy engaged in an expletive-laced shouting match during the riot * McCarthy told Trump he needed to rein in his supporters and said they were breaking his windows 
 * 'Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are,' Trump reportedly replied 
 * McCarthy shot back, 'Who the f**k do you think you are talking to?' according to GOP lawmakers 
 * Tuberville of Alabama said he told Trump that VP Mike Pence was being evacuated from the Senate   * 'What did Trump know, and when did he know it?' asked Whitehouse in calling for suspension of the trial 
 * Senate had been expected to move to a vote and acquit Trump on Saturday after closing arguments 

A Senate Democrat has called for the suspension of Donald Trump's impeachment trial in order to depose Senator Tommy Tuberville and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about their conversations with the former president during the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat and one of the 100 jurors in the trial, issued the call in a tweet late on Friday, one day before the trial was expected to conclude in an acquittal. 

'Tomorrow just got a lot more interesting,' Whitehouse wrote, referring to reports that McCarthy lambasted Trump in an expletive-laden diatribe telling him to call off his mob of loyalists, and following Tuberville's admission that he told Trump that Vice President Mike Pence was being evacuated from the Senate. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: CNN is the network that broke this story .... New details about Trump-McCarthy shouting match show Trump refused to call off the rioters (CNN). The problem with this CNN report is that it is quoting "anonymous sources". Considering how wrong CNN has been in the past when it comes to anonymous sources, I will take this report with a grain of salt. 

Bottom line. 

This should have been brought up when the House prosecutors were making their case early this week. It was not.

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