About Johnson's retirement hint: Embed the record & Caveat Emptor.

Stop the presses; Joe McCarthy reincarnation Ron Johnson is hinting - oh, the drama about keeping one's word! - that he might keep a pledge to depart after two terms, according to the Wisconsin State Journal.

Though "probably my preference now" was how he framed his layered inexactitude, on top of what the newspaper said was Johnson's "a big caveat."

“I think that pledge was based on the assumption we wouldn’t have Democrats in total control of government and we’re seeing what I would consider the devastating and harmful effects of Democrats’ total control just ramming things through,” he said.

Which brought to mind Scott Walker's weaselly-worded non-binding pledge, er, plan of sorts in late 2014 to serve out a full second term not long before he began an ill-fated presidential run that had it been successful would have cut that second term in half.

So, again, fellow consumers of political news, Caveat Emptor. You don't want to get suck in by politicians' promises that carry all the veracity of yet another Foxconn promise which went unsurprisingly bad a few days ago.

Foxconn's plan to make robotic coffee kiosks quietly died. It joins the list of products promised but never made.
The first product coming out of the Foxconn Technology Group facility in Mount Pleasant was supposed to be robotic coffee kiosks. But the coffee kiosks — along with ventilators and large LCD screens — join the list of products that were promised for the massive site, but never delivered. 

And in that vein of truth-in-politics and keeping up with its players, when news editors assign end-of-the-era-in-his-own-mind Ron Johnson stories which will feature his self-inflicted failure to withhold public assistance from COVID19-damaged businesses, government and families nationwide - 

let's make sure any career encapsulating Johnson stories highlight selections from his long, loathsome legacy which include the millions of dollars in public assistance the family business Johnson helped run was only too happy to accept -  twice prior to his massaging the 2017 US tax 'reform' bill that ended up doing family business another solid.

Editorial: Ron Johnson looks out for himself

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