Disturbing Images And Videos Emerge From The Fighting In Tigray, Ethiopia


The breadth and depth of human suffering in the Ethiopian region of Tigray is perfectly clear to humanitarian workers, human rights groups and the international diplomatic community. 

After four months of warfare between Ethiopia's national defence force and fighters from the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), observers are collecting a worrying selection of data. 

More than 500,000 Tigrayans have lost their homes. Almost 60,000 have sought refugee status in neighboring Sudan. Two refugee camps in Tigray have been obliterated by military force. Nearly 70% of 106 health facilities have been looted. Only 13% are functioning normally. 

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WNU Editor: Ethiopia is denying claims of ethnic cleansing and war crimes in Tigray .... Ethiopia Calls U.S. Claims of Ethnic Cleansing 'Spurious' (Bloomberg). But this denial contradicts what one of Ethiopia's top generals is saying .... Ethiopian general tells diplomats of 'dirty war' in Tigray (France 24).

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