Slip-Up Reveals MI5 Involvement In Drone Project


The Guardian: MI5 involvement in drone project revealed in paperwork slip-up 

Exclusive: Document produced by university cited agency as secret funder of research 

For an agency devoted to secrecy and surveillance, it is an embarrassing slip-up. An inadvertent disclosure on a university document has revealed that MI5 is partly behind what was meant to be a covert bug and drone research project. 

Ostensibly, Imperial College’s research was to create a quadcopter system for charging remote agricultural sensors – but MI5’s participation has emerged because somebody involved stated it was the secret second funder of the programme. 

Paperwork produced by Imperial initially cited the apparently obscure Government Communications Planning Directorate (GCPD) as a backer – a moniker used in Whitehall as a codename for MI5. 

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WNU Editor: Learn something new everyday. The term "Government Communications Planning Directorate (GCPD)" is a moniker used in Whitehall as a codename for MI5.

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