ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States shared “significant concerns” with China during the first face-to-face meeting between the two countries under the Biden administration, concluding two days of contentious talks.
Blinken said the U.S. diplomats "knew going in that there are a number of areas where we are fundamentally at odds, including China's actions in Xinjiang, with regard to Hong Kong, Tibet, increasingly Taiwan, as well as actions that it's taking in cyberspace."
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WNU Editor: I think this sums it up .... China's Top Diplomat After Talks With US in Alaska Says There Are 'So Many Major Differences' (The Sputnik).
More News On The Conclusion Of U.S. - China Talks
Beijing blames U.S. for 'explosive' Alaska meeting -- Bloomberg
Chinese diplomats deal vigorous counterblows to condescending US representatives; common ground hard to reach on contrasting logics -- Global Times
China's Top Diplomat After Talks With US in Alaska Says There Are 'So Many Major Differences' -- The Sputnik