India also recorded another 360,960 cases of Covid, also a one-day record, as Delhi's chief minister warned the wave is being driven by a 'supremely infectious' variant that causes more severe cases that last longer
NBC: India passes 200,000 Covid-19 deaths as new cases spike to record highs
Increased infections are not only overwhelming the hospitals, but crematoriums which are running out of space.
India passed 200,000 Covid-19 deaths Wednesday, becoming only the fourth country to do so, as it battles a devastating second wave of infections.
The surge in new infections has stretched hospitals across the country to a breaking point, with widespread shortages of medical oxygen and beds.
Patients and their loved ones desperately search for hospitals with intensive care units that can make room for them, turning to social media to find access to vacant beds and oxygen online.
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Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In India -- News Updates April 28, 2021
India Covid: Hospitals overwhelmed as deaths pass 200,000 -- BBC
Indians rush for vaccines as coronavirus toll tops 200000 -- Reuters
‘This Is a Catastrophe.’ In India, Illness Is Everywhere. -- NYTimes
India officials told to cut trees for COVID death cremations -- NYDaily News
India's coronavirus death toll tops 200K amid 'particularly dangerous' wave -- FOX News