US Senate Confirms Victoria Nuland As Under Secretary Of State For Political Affairs

U.S. Senate approves Nuland as Under Secretary of State / Photo from UNIAN As Ukraine Simmers, Victoria Nuland Is Now Highest-Ranking Member of US Foreign Service 

On April 29 the U.S. Senate confirmed Victoria Nuland as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, which has been described as the fourth most important position in the State Department. Though as the first three are filled by political appointees and the other by a career foreign service officer, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs is the highest-ranking member of the U.S. Foreign Service. 

In an appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April as part of her confirmation process, she reflected on her thirty-two years in the Foreign Service working for five presidents of both parties and nine secretaries of state. She retailed some of her “historic moments” in that career, among them “working on tough arms control problems and conflicts from Rwanda to Haiti to Bosnia and Kosovo.”  

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WNU Editor: Long time readers of this blog know that I view her as a monster. Her bragging in 2014 that Washington spent $5 billion to subvert Ukraine still makes my blood boil (see video below). 

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