Alex Ward, VOX: How China could force Biden’s hand on defending Taiwan
If a war breaks out over Taiwan, Biden may be forced into a decision no American president since 1979 has wanted to make.
No American president has had to choose whether to go to war to defend Taiwan against a Chinese military invasion. President Joe Biden might have the decision thrust upon him.
The outgoing commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific region, Navy Adm. Philip Davidson, told US lawmakers in March that he believes Beijing will attempt a takeover of the neighboring democratic island — which it considers part of mainland China — within the next six years. Davidson’s successor, Navy Adm. John Aquilino, expressed a similar concern days later.
“This problem is much closer to us than most think,” he told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “We ought to be prepared today.”
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WNU Editor: The impression that I have from my sources in China is that Beijing is confident that President Biden will not involve the U.S. in a war between China and Taiwan.
I think this is a mistake.
Beijing's subjugation of Hong Kong was easy because the people are not armed. Taiwan is a different story. They armed to the teeth and they will resist a Chinese invasion.
And as for the U.S. response.
My prediction is that Washington cannot stay neutral and/or uninvolved.
I predict America's allies in Asia will be the first to get involved in this war by aiding Taiwan. In return, China will respond by targeting these nations. Probably with military strikes.
This is where U.S. policy no longer becomes unambiguous. Chinese military strikes on U.S. allies like Japan, the Philippines. Australia, etc., will kick in treaty and security obligations that will oblige the U.S. to intervene. Failure to do will then destroy all U.S. treaty commitments and promises to all of its allies around the world.