Image credit: South China Morning Post
Asia Times: Mach 30 ‘tunnel’ will put China decades ahead
Hypersonic tech could make it possible for super-fast jets to fly anywhere in the world in two hours or less
“There is a Chinese saying, it takes 10 years to sharpen a sword. We have spent 60 years sharpening two swords … and they are the best.” — Chinese researcher Han Guilai
Imagine a wind tunnel, capable of simulating flights at Mach 30 — that’s 23,000 mph, or, 30 times the speed of sound.
It may sound like science fiction, but in fact, China has built a hypersonic wind tunnel in Beijing which could put the superpower decades ahead of the West, according to a report in UK’s The Sun.
Researcher Han Guilai, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that together with another facility, also in Beijing, China will be about 20 to 30 years ahead of other powers.
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WNU Editor: The construction of this wind tunnel was first announced 3 years ago .... China to build 'world's fastest' wind tunnel (
More News On China's Mach 30 Wind Tunnel
Mach 30 wind tunnel to ‘put China decades ahead’ in hypersonic race -- SCMP
China develops hypersonic flight stimulating tunnel JF 22, with speed 30 times higher than sound -- Zee News
Mach 30 Wind Tunnel Propels China Decades Ahead In Global Hypersonic Race -- Zero Hedge
China gears up to test weapons that could hit US in 14 minutes -- SCMP
Is China's Hypersonic Weapons Development Leaving the U.S. In the Dust? -- National Interest