* Biden, 78, was discussing cooperation with Russia at the G7 summit on Sunday
* He gave vivid details on the suffering of the people of Libya - but he meant Syria
* White House later clarified he meant the Middle Eastern country not the African
* Comes ahead of meeting with Putin at a Swiss chateau overlooking Lake Geneva
Joe Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways of working with Russia during a press conference at the G7 on Sunday.
The 78-year-old gaffe machine spoke of working with Vladimir Putin to provide economic assistance to the people of Libya, prompting some confused glances from the press pack at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England.
'I'm hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,' the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, which is in the Middle East.
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WNU Editor: Joe Biden would never have made these type of mistakes/blunders ten years ago.