The news gods let us recall Cathy Stepp 'always carries a fake nose.'

As a self-appointed recorder of damage done to Wisconsin by relentless Republicanism - and also as a consumer of news that makes readers flinch - I want to say that this story about a woman posing as a 7th grader to help her daughter navigate high school -

Texas mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

- has at least an equally weird antecedent starring Wisconsin's very own designated environmental contaminator and slayer of tiny deer - Cathy Stepp:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Cathy Stepp wore a fake nose and sunglasses to try to help her daughter [Hannah] pass a 2011 Wisconsin driving test after she failed her initial attempt...the Chicago Tribune reported....
...Hannah said her mother wore the fake nose and sunglasses so she could follow someone taking the Wisconsin driver's test. She said she had failed her first test and her mother wanted to learn the route to help her practice for her second attempt, which she passed.  
She told the newspaper that her mom always carries a fake nose around.


For the record, I had noted Stepp's penchant for parties and props, and also her big game hunting, several times, before she went off to run various EPA offices for the previous President.

Wisconsin DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp proudly shows off her first deer, taken opening weekend last year. In the upcoming TV Special "Deer Hunt Wisconsin 2012, Stepp urges male hunters to take more girls and women hunting. "The secret's out," she says. "Hunting is a lot of fun, so don't keep it to yourselves." photo courtesy of Wisconsin DNR
Wisconsin DNR photo



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