U.S. Military Report Says Space Force Must Prepare For Warfare On The Moon

The super moon, known as the "Strawberry full moon", and the last super moon of 2021, is pictured as it rises in Ronda, southern Spain. REUTERS/Jon Nazca  

Space News: Report: Space Force has to prepare for operations beyond Earth’s orbit 

WASHINGTON — A new report published by the Air Force Research Laboratory suggests the U.S. Space Force has to prepare for a day when the moon and the volume of space around it could become the next military frontier. 

A Primer on Cislunar Space” was released June 23 by AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate. Its intended audience are military space professionals who one day might have to develop spacecraft and concepts for operations in regions beyond Earth’s orbit. 

Col. Eric Felt, the director of AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate, said the document aims to “educate and inspire.”  

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WNU Editor: The Pentagon are not the only ones thinking of the moon .... Russia and China team up to build a moon base (The Guardian).

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