A B-52H drops an unarmed AGM-86B air-launched cruise missile during a Nuclear Weapons System Evaluation Program sortie, September 22, 2014. US Air Force/Staff Sgt. Roidan Carlson
Business Insider: Spending $2 trillion on new nuclear weapons is a risk to more than just your wallet
* The US is pursuing the modernization of all three legs of the nuclear triad, at an estimated cost of $1.7 trillion over 30 years.
* Simultaneous modernization exceeds what's needed for an effective nuclear deterrent and is an unnecessarily costly and risky way to achieve our deterrence requirements.
* Bill Perry is a former US secretary of defense. Jerry Brown is a former governor. John Garamendi is the US Representative for California's 3rd Congressional District.
The world is witnessing a new, dangerous nuclear arms race. Tensions are rising between the Great Powers. As the US, Russia, and China rush to modernize their nuclear arsenals, the trip wire is becoming more taut by the day.
Observation and communication satellites and systems are increasingly vulnerable to attacks. All three countries are fielding stealth and hypersonic nuclear delivery systems designed to evade detection. The risks of a false alarm or a political miscalculation has always haunted the nuclear landscape, and they do even more today.
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WNU Editor: Developing and maintaining a nuclear force has always been an expensive endeavor. But these numbers are just jaw-dropping.