Russian submarines are equipped with Shkval torpedoes that are capable of traveling at an inconceivable speed for underwater equipment — up to 375 kph. Credit: Handout.
Asia Times: No match for Russia’s 200-knot Shkval torpedo
Powered by a rocket engine, the supercavitating projectile is capable of astonishing speeds and a maximum range of 7,500 yards
One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo, a weapon that is coming back into view as US-Russia tensions ramp up in a new competitive age.
Forget the Red October, first strike Soviet submarine from the movie of the same name — this was a torpedo that could suddenly go six times faster than its predecessors.
Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the end of the Cold War and only became common knowledge in the mid-1990s, according to a report by Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest.
Powered by a rocket engine, it is capable of astonishing speeds of up to 200 knots an hour and boasts a maximum range of 7,500 yards.
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WNU Editor: This torpedo and the technology behind it is probably one of Russia's most deeply guarded military secrets.