There's been no rest for Republicans like US Sen. Ron Johnson -
Ron Johnson, 2021 photo
- who had to patiently explain that despite what millions of people saw on television, no insurrection had taken place on January 6th in the inner sanctuary of the US Capitol.
Where for some reason members of Congress and staffers barricaded themselves in the sanctuary's officers and chambers from a phantom menace.
And speaking of sanctuaries, the state Republican party is saying 'absolutely, yes' to designating cities and counties as 'sanctuaries' from gun-rights-canceling Feds and weak Democrats armed with stupid, wimpy laws.
Wisconsin Senate passes 'Second Amendment sanctuary' legislation limiting federal gun laws
So we're learning that some sanctuaries are more sacred than others, which leads us to what Republicans are revealing about a suspicious sanctuary which a different unit of untrustworthy Feds just created in Lake Michigan.
Yeah, right! An underwater study hall.
What's next? Claiming that so-called eco-tourists might come to the Lake Michigan shoreline and spend money in 'sanctuary?'
When there are actual trees along the shoreline they could hug? (Well, except for 50,000 surplus trees in and adjoining the sanctuary known as Kohler Andrae State Park which a top GOP donor with the state's permission plans to dust.)
So thank Neptune that Johnson and other Republican sanctuary police have unmasked this Democrat Trojan Sea Horse that could hide in the 'sanctuary,' and when no one's looking, swim away with Bucky's Great Lakes pier rights, buried baubles - and even the fish.
Ron Johnson, Glenn Grothman and Mike Gallagher call for review of Lake Michigan marine sanctuary every 5 years
.'"...the sanctuary designation could hinder lake access for shoreline property owners and other property rights, recreational access, commercial and private fishing rights, and potential mineral rights....'"
And, again; give Johnson credit again for having sought to fulfill as far back as 2010 the destiny which libs have denied to the Great Lakes - being drilled just like the Gulf of Mexico or the Saharan desert.
One month ago, Johnson was asked by the media, "Would you support drilling like in the Great Lakes, for example, if there was oil found there?" Johnson said, “Yeah. You know, the bottom line is that we are an oil-based economy. There’s nothing we’re going to do to get off of that for many, many years, so I think we have to just be realistic and recognize that fact. And I think we have to get the oil where it is…”[WisPolitics, Interview, 6/14/10]