Latest WI DNR wolf policy invite needs an asterisk. I'll supply it.

Another Wisconsin wolf policy announcement came by email Friday, below. 

Because the state's Natural Resources policy [sic] board - chaired by a Walker appointee who refuses to relinquish his now-expired appointment, influence and  seat - arbitrarily threw out a DNR staff fall wolf kill recommendation of 130.

And substituted instead against the recommendations of DNR staffers, scientists, Native American and allied advocates the authorized and unprecedented  science-free wolf-slaughter of 300 pulled from a Republican special interests' grab bag of bloody treats, I urge the DNR and the WNRB to add this disclaimer to future policy invitations:

*Note: Any decision by the Department of Natural Resources or its oversight body Wisconsin Natural Resources Board is subject to partisan tampering, special-interest manipulation or outright cancellation regardless of documentation, facts or other pesky evidence and/or commonsense.

This will add some truth-in-advertising to the way Wisconsin continues to do business despite elections, procedural norms and basic democratic fairness and may cut down on the amount of time which citizens have been wasting believing that the deck is not stacked in favor of special interests and their expanding and partisan embrace of death cult politics.

The DNR's Friday invitation:

Wolf Management Plan Committee Virtual Meeting Aug. 19 – Open To Public

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will hold the second of four Wolf Management Plan Committee meetings on Thursday, Aug. 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The meeting will be held virtually, and the public is invited to attend and observe the proceedings. No pre-registration required, and public comments will not be taken during the meeting.

Those wishing to attend can use this link to watch a livestream of the meeting.

The Wolf Management Plan Committee has been formed to discuss important issues related to wolf management in Wisconsin and to provide input as the department updates the state’s wolf management plan. More information on the wolf management plan update process and timeline, including the formation, membership and work of this committee, is available on the DNR wolf management plan web page.



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