President Biden Returns To the White House Cutting His Family Vacation One Day Earlier To Address The Crisis In Afghanistan

President Biden. Reuters  

Daily Mail: Damage control: Biden returns to DC from Camp David - one day earlier than planned: Speaks to British PM Boris Johnson in his first call to a world leader since Kabul fell 

* Biden's national security advisor defended policy after Kabul fell to Taliban 

* Sullivan called the outcome 'tough stuff' but said President faced 'hard choices' 

* He said Biden was unwilling to send in more troops amid negotiated drawdown 

* Said pulling diplomats out sooner would have signaled weakness of Afghan govt 

* Biden has not 'yet spoken with any other world leaders' since the fall of Kabul 

President Joe Biden phoned British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday, hours after it was revealed he hadn't phoned any allies since the fall of Kabul set off frantic efforts to evacuate American and allied personnel. 

Biden spoke to Johnson regarding the situation in the Afghanistan amid frantic efforts to evacuate citizens of both countries, according to a brief readout provided by the White House. 

It came after National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in response to a question during a White House briefing that Biden had 'not yet spoken with any other world leaders' since the fall of Kabul. 

Sullivan said other officials including himself had been in touch with foreign counterparts. 

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WNU Editor: I guess someone told President Biden that the optics of him on vacation while 40,000 Americans are trapped in Afghanistan with the Taliban killing people indiscriminately are terrible.

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