Check Out China's Massive 11-Barrel Naval Gatling Gun (Video)


Warzone/The Drive: China's Massive 11-Barrel Naval Gatling Gun Has Been Adapted For Close-In Defense On Land 

The trailer-mounted gun could give Chinese land units a fearsome defense against low-flying aircraft, cruise missiles, and even possibly artillery. 

China has unveiled a new 11-barrel version of its ground-based 30mm air-defense system, with a trailer-mounted adaptation seemingly optimized for the point-defense of key installations. The new weapon, and its seven-barrel predecessor, are both based on existing shipborne anti-aircraft artillery systems. Although the exact capabilities of the new weapon are unconfirmed, the 11-barrel mobile Gatling-style cannon would be effective against low-flying helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and cruise missiles, as well as offering a powerful counter to the growing threat posed by small drones. Furthermore, it could even fulfill a role similar to the U.S.-developed Centurion Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) system.  

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WNU Editor: That's a lot of firepower to have on land.

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