ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska. The image above shows a March 19, 2020 test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine
* A rocket failure has reportedly caused a delay in the US military's test of its hypersonic weapons system
* Military scheduled a test of its Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) in Kodiak, Alaska
* Earlier on Thursday, Pentagon released a statement touting success of test of component prototypes
* China has carried out two tests of an orbital vehicle believed to be a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile
* First test took place on July 27 while second took place on August 13, intelligence sources have claimed
* Scientists are still trying to work out exactly what the 'weapon' is capable of and say it appears to 'defy the laws of physics' and is unlike any technology the US has developed
* Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, but says it was actually launching a 'peaceful' civilian spacecraft
The United States military had to delay a test of its new hypersonic weapons system due to rocket failure, according to Reuters report from Thursday.
ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska.
Last year, the US military released video footage of a test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine.
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Update: Rocket Failure Delays U.S. Hypersonic Weapon Test, Sources (Reuters)
WNU Editor: All the news is not bad .... Military conducts tests to further hypersonic missile development (Washington Examiner).