Suicides Among Active U.S. Army Personnel Are Skyrocketing

Daily Mail: Suicides among active duty soldiers are up 46 percent compared to last year, as 60 take their lives in just three months, Army reveals 

* Suicides among active-duty members of the US Army are up by 46 percent this quarter compared to the same time last year, according to a Pentagon report 

* In the second quarter of this year, 60 active-duty members of the Army took their own lives, compared to 41 in the second quarter of 2020 

* In total, 139 military personnel both active and reserve who died by suicide in the Q2 of 2021 was 139 compared to 130 suicides in Q2 of 2020 

* In comparison, 67 members of the military succumbed to COVID-19 since the pandemic began 

* 'Suicide rates among our service members... are still too high, and the trends are not going in the right direction,' said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin 

* Last month, the military released data showing that suicides in the armed forces increased by 15 percent in 2020 - 580 service members took their own lives 

Suicides among US Army active-duty soldiers were up by 46 percent last quarter compared to the same time in 2020, according to a new Pentagon report. 

In the second quarter of this year, 60 active-duty members of the Army took their own lives, compared to 41 in the second quarter of 2020. The number of suicides was also up 41 percent among Navy personnel, from 12 in the second quarter of last year, to 17 in 2021.  

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WNU Editor: These numbers are always shocking to me. And it appears that no one knows what needs to be done .... The active-duty Army is facing a record suicide rate. Leaders have no idea how to fix it (Task & Purpose). 

More News On Suicides Among Active U.S. Army Personnel Skyrocketing  

Army Hopes Identifying Suicide 'Red Flags' Earlier Will Finally Ease Crisis --  

Suicides in the U.S. Army's active-duty forces jumped 46-percent compared to last year: Pentagon -- FOX News  

More US soldiers killed themselves in a few months than died from Covid-19 since start of pandemic, Pentagon reveals -- RT

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