US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Says No Country Has ‘Veto’ On Ukraine’s NATO Aspirations


RT: No country has ‘veto’ on Ukraine’s NATO aspirations, Pentagon chief says as Moscow warns Kiev joining bloc goes ‘beyond red lines’  

No third country can veto Ukraine's wish to join NATO, the Pentagon chief has said. His statement comes after Moscow warned Kiev that joining the bloc would go beyond "red lines" and may prompt Russia to "take active measures." 

Ukraine is free to decide its future and foreign policy, with no foreign entity having a say in its aspiration to join the NATO alliance, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday.  

"Ukraine… has a right to decide its own future foreign policy and we expect that they will be able to do that without any outside interference," Austin said at a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Andrey Taran in Kiev.  

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Update #1: Pentagon Chief: No Country Has ‘Veto’ on Ukraine’s NATO Aspirations (VOA)  

Update #2: Russia cannot Block Ukraine's NATO Aspirations - U.S. (  

WNU Editor: Secretary of Defense Austin also wants Russia to give up Crimea .... U.S. Tells Russia to Return Crimea to Ukraine, Stop Cyber Attacks on America and Allies (Newsweek).

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