JUST IN: Pres. Biden responds to Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: "I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works and we have to abide by it." https://t.co/3e24Bl7iaD pic.twitter.com/v8bxygFxMU
— ABC News (@ABC) November 19, 2021
NBC: Biden says 'we have to abide' by Rittenhouse verdict
The president said he hadn't watched the trial and that, "I stand by what the jury has concluded."
President Joe Biden told reporters Friday that "the jury system works" after he was asked about Kyle RIttenhouse being found not guilty on all charges stemming from a pair of fatal shootings in Wisconsin last year.
Biden was asked whether he stood by his "past comments equating him to white supremacy," referring to a post by Biden on Twitter in 2020 criticizing his opponent for not condemning white supremacy that included a video that had an image of Rittenhouse.
"I stand by what the jury has concluded," Biden said. Biden, who was returning to White House after completing his physical Friday morning, told reporters he had not watched the trial and had just learned of the verdict, but "the jury system works and we have to abide by it."
In a longer statement issued by the White House a short time later, Biden said, "While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken."
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WNU Editor: The Democrat political class and progressive media meltdown on this verdict has been quite a sight to see this evening.
Update: Yup .... Taibbi: The Rittenhouse Verdict Is Only Shocking If You Followed The Last Year Of Terrible Reporting (Zero Hedge).