The latest sighting of the apparent RQ-180, spotted over Area 51 on October 30. DREAMLANDRESORT.COM
Warzone/The Drive: Secret RQ-180 Stealth Drone Spotted Over Area 51
This was the third photographic encounter with the secret flying wing drone, leaving little doubt as to its existence.
A year after the apparent first sighting of what is very likely to be the Air Force’s so-called ‘RQ-180’ very stealthy flying-wing surveillance aircraft above the Mojave Desert, what looks like the very same aircraft has now been photographed over Area 51, the clandestine flight test center deep within the Nevada Test and Training Range. While we still don’t know for absolute certain the details surrounding this craft, or even its official designation, the latest appearance follows a previous sighting over the Philippines in September that The War Zone was first to report and suggests perhaps that the secret drone is now edging toward a more operational, and possibly even less clandestine, status.
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WNU Editor: Something is flying around.