In Another Sign That Europe's Energy Crisis Will Get Worse, France’s Nuclear Shutdown Hits 50% Of Reactors

Bloomberg: France’s Nuclear Shutdown Hits 50% of Reactors 

(Bloomberg) -- The halt of yet another nuclear unit in France means half of its reactors are now offline for maintenance, keeping power supplies tight in a country that is traditionally one of Europe’s biggest electricity exporters. 

Twenty-eight reactors are offline as Electricite de France SA struggles with extended outages after corrosion issues were found at some sites, requiring lengthy checks and repairs. The extra works come on top of already scheduled halts for refueling and regular maintenance, and has brought French nuclear output to the lowest in more than decade for the time of year.  

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Update: France shuts down 50% of nuclear reactors amid energy crunch (RT)  

WNU Editor: More signs that it is going to be a rough winter for Europe later this year.

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