Czech President Petr Pavel © AFP / Vladimir Simicek
Republic World: 'Decisive' year for war: Czech Republic President Admits That His Country Exhausted All Means Of Arming Ukraine
On Wednesday, the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel asserted that the year 2023 would be a “decisive” year for the Russia-Ukraine war.
The President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel asserted that the year 2023 would be a “decisive” year for the Russia-Ukraine war. According to the Russian news outlet, Russia Today, the president’s remarks came after he predicted that Ukraine's western allies have exhausted all means of arming the war-stricken country. In the midst of the raging Russia-Ukraine war, Kyiv’s western allies like the US, UK and NATO have showcased their support to the war-stricken country to combat the wrath of the Russian forces. From military tanks to fighter jets, the western allies have equipped Ukraine with ammunition as the war continues to escalate.
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WNU Editor: Russian media is covering the Czech Republic President's remarks extensively .... NATO member admits it has no weapons left to offer Ukraine (RT).
Update: The Czech Republic President is probably right about this .... Czech President assumes NATO gets fed up with Ukraine (