British RAF fighter jets intercept Russian bomber planes entering Irish-controlled airspace off the west coast. File photograph: British Ministry of Defence.
* Since the 1950s, Ireland has allowed British jets to intercept Russian aircraft near Irish airspace.
* Ireland's west coast overlooks North Atlantic waters that the Russians and NATO keep a close eye on.
* The deal allowing the intercepts has long been secret, and Irish lawmakers now want more details.
If Russian bombers fly near Ireland, they may be intercepted by fighter jets — but not Irish ones.
Under a secret agreement between the UK and the Republic of Ireland that dates back more than 70 years, Britain will defend Irish airspace from intrusions by Russian aircraft and other aerial threats.
The deal has been amended by Irish leaders over the years, but it has also been kept secret due to Irish memories of British rule and tensions over Northern Ireland, which remained a part of the UK after Ireland was partitioned in 1921.
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Update: Who protects Irish skies? The secret air defence deal that dates back to the Cold War (Irish Times)
WNU Editor: I guess this explains why Ireland never really invested in having an air force .... Irish Air Corps (Wikipedia).